Thursday, March 22, 2007

Due Process.

Based on every published report and track record, Titans CB Adam "Pac-Man" Jones is likely a jackass and probably has some issues to deal with (when your drug dealer is concerned about your focus on your career, that's a bad sign). But this is less about Pac-Man and more about the NFL.

Do you think Roger Goodell has the right to make an example out of someone whom the judicial system has decided is a free man, who has not been arrested nor convicted of anything related to the incident that happened in a strip club at the NBA All-Star Weekend, without even waiting to see if he is charged by a county DA in Nevada or given a trial by jury?

I think not. And if Goodell actually follows through on his "consideration" of suspending Jones for an entire season, then the players ought to realize that Gene Upshaw is an absolutely useless piece of shit and replace him immediately. At some point, "go along to get along" has to go out the window -- and that's when it's used to convict someone based on public opinion regardless of what the legal process produces. I understand Jones was supposed to report arrests in his contract, and he didn't with a couple in Georgia, but if Jones is suspended for all of the 2007 season, that's an overreach. Quarter to a half season -- maybe.

(Hat tip: FanHouse.)

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